Radiant Connections Visualizing the Interplay of Human Energies and human body and color fully background and art man

How do you model metabolism?

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, DNA, metabolism, Virtual body Leave a Comment

The whole reason I got into software development was to improve the way in which biology is researched, understood and presented. I have always wanted better ways to explore the subject and understand how the whole complicated system works. This article is an attempt to plan, develop and deliver on that vision. It is not a complete or organised article …

men s blue and white crew neck shirt

Exercise alters metabolism in minutes

Colin Chambersactivity, cells, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolism, movement, obesity, pre-diabetes, training, Uncategorized, vascular diseases, weight loss Leave a Comment

Exercise has an impact on your health within minutes. That is the insight I take from a New York Times piece explaining how exercise changes fat and muscle cells.It is in interesting piece exploring the extra detail we are now gaining about just how exercise affects muscle and fat cells. Of course that mostly means extra detail about something we …

shallow focus of sprout

On the origin of life: An energy cycle

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, compete, competing, competition, DNA, ecosystems, evolution, genetics, metabolism, pressure, steps, Wildlife Leave a Comment

I’ve had this idea floating in my head for weeks now. So I’m finally getting round to putting down into words. I’m excited to finally express it but I hope I do it justice. Here goes. We’re all aware of the theory of evolution. It makes perfect sense to me how pressure for resources has lead to so much diversity in …

apricot fruits on bowl

Calorie and nutrient intake over time

Colin Chambersactivity, balance, cells, diabetes, general health, Health Marketing, key posts, lifestyle, metabolism, nutrition, obesity, Physical Education, pre-diabetes, steps, vascular diseases, weight loss, Well being Leave a Comment

I’ve noticed for many years that physical activity is a great way to maintain or lose weight because by being active you get to add to your life. It’s a positive thing. Many people instantly tell me they don’t like being active but I quickly and consistently find things they like doing that are active that they didn’t realise could …

poached egg with vegetables and tomatoes on blue plate

An idea for modelling nutrition

Colin ChambersDNA, ecosystems, Education, metabolism, nutrition, Strategy, Virtual body Leave a Comment

My background is in human performance. I studied biology, psychology, sociology and a lot of sports science and pe. So I’m fascinated with finding out what our bodies are capable of. It’s amazing how much is known and has been documented. What I see as lacking is a model that ties all this knowledge into virtual systems.  I feel software …

person holding a stress ball

Mitochondrial Ageing

Colin Chambersactivity, ageing, alzheimers, biology, cells, change, general health, genetics, metabolism, recover, steps Leave a Comment

I’m passing this link on because it gives an explanation for the effects of ageing down to the mitochondrial and dna level. It’s a positive message that explains my faith that as I age I can keep my vitality. The findings need to be confirmed but they fit wider research. Just wanted to provide a reference so I don’t forget …

Diagram of insulin resistance characteristics in the human body

Can you reverse insulin resistance

Colin Chambersactivity, cancer, cells, CHD, cholesterol, diabetes, general health, insulin resistance, metabolism, obesity, play, pre-diabetes, steps, weight loss Leave a Comment

I read an article Insulin resistance and pre diabetes and just had to report the findings of the major study they refer to. ‘lifestyle changes reduced the risk of diabetes by 58 percent’ The main recommendation is to be active and eat well. I just wanted to make the point that insulin resistance can be reversed. They also found that many people with …