Happy black teacher and elementary students using digital tablet in the classroom.


I would like to introduce you to these amazing people who inspire me to be me and live my life as a way to help you do the same. 

From them, I have learned so much, and to thank them, I want to share them with you. 

Human nature and human potential are such wide-ranging topics, so it helps to have a wide selection of teachers to help you study what you want to learn.

There are so many amazing teachers covering topics from physiotherapy and personal training in the wellness space to archaeologists and biologists in the academic space. Here, we collect as many together so that you can find a teacher for what you want to learn today and in the future.

For every challenge you face, someone has been there before and solved it, so there is a solution and someone to teach you that solution. To find the teacher and find the solution, you just need to change your mindset and grow.

“Surround yourself with people better than you and learn to keep up”


Being your best requires being a good student, and a good student needs great teachers. Great teachers help surround you with knowledge, people and experiences that test you and help you grow.

This is my opportunity to celebrate all the wonderful people I have had the privilege to learn from and get to know over the years, either in person or via their teaching outlets.

The teacher’s topic is a way to share articles from a teacher or teaching organisation that can help students on their self-development journey.

There are so many articles in the Fit2Thrive library. Here are the articles by all the teachers we have featured so far.