photo of silhouette photo of man standing on rock

How It Works

At Fit2Thrive, every minute of the day is an opportunity for Fun and for health because with Fit2Thrive, you get to live life differently.

Start celebrating who you are and the life you live by using each day to enjoy being good to yourself and creating memories you cherish.

The idea is that your life is made up of activities, including eating, sleeping, working, and so on. To change your life, you change how you do these activities and learn activities that fit you better while letting go of activities that hold you back.

The Fit2Thrive mindset is that Activities are an opportunity for fun and an opportunity to learn about who you are and how you work.

It’s a lifelong process of continual development, learning how you work and applying that every day to the pursuit of your best self and your best life.

To help you on your journey, I provide courses to get you started and introduce you to teachers I wish I had at the start of my journey.

The fun in life comes from constantly learning new ways to enjoy the journey.

I want to turn consumers into investors 

Start investing in yourself

If you think about it you will realise that you will be YOU for the rest of your life. BUT how well do you really know yourself.

  • You are made of trillions of cells. Do you know how cells work?
  • You have a mind, body and spirit, do you know how they work together?
  • You have senses and feel things all the time. Do you know how to interpret these feelings?

The current health and wellness model focuses on consuming ideas and following trends. 

Instead of consuming health trends and buying results I believe in investing in yourself through knowledge and experience. Invest in books, learn new skills and understand how you really work. 

The investment made today gives a return every year from now on. 

I have been investing for so long that I get dividends from my investments every day and I want you to get the same benefits I do.

Use teachers and courses to help overcome the obstacles you face in activities 

Therefore, to achieve your dream life, you need to ACT 

  • Activities: make up your life
  • Courses: help you with activities
  • Teachers: help you with activities and courses

Lifestyle education involves learning how to get from you where you are in life and where you want to be.  Using teachers and educational resources to overcome any obstacles on the way by developing your life skills. 

to help you on your journey, I provide courses to get you started and introduce you to teachers I wish I had at the start of my journey. 

Another way to consider the ACT approach is as the theory and practice of lifelong learning 

  • Activities: The daily practice of life
  • Courses: The theory underpinning daily practice
  • Teachers: help you to turn theory into best practice

Self-development, therefore, requires that you follow the same path as all others who have achieved their potential by making the best of what you have by putting in the effort and study necessary to achieve your potential.

Health and wellness reflect a life well lived, which means avoiding injuries. Being active protects against the ten biggest illnesses in modern life. Reducing inactive, sedentary behaviour reduces the associated injuries of this lifestyle. It strengthens and protects against them. That’s why health and wellness require you to act.

Your day is made up of activities. Teachers can show you how to use these activities to get what you want out of life.

Courses sit in the middle. Made by teachers, they help you get the most out of activities and set your life up for success.  

To give you an example. If you want to improve your vision, you could go on a sightseeing trip or watch some sport. May be go for a drive. You can check out the vision section for more ideas. 

If you want to lose weight or get fit, then you want to be more active, to find the activity that fits you, you can ask yourself questions such as;

  • How active do you want/need to be?
  • How much time do you have?
  • What activities do you like? Tennis, gardening, walking

The general idea is that the activities can be tagged with the benefits they provide, such as vision, nutrition, or steps, and linked to useful courses. 

Fit2Thrive is all about taking each moment and each day as an opportunity to learn and to grow. This page provides a place to start or continue that daily journey. 

What do you want to learn about today?

Life is made up of activities you have to do and the ones you want to do. 

A successful life involves using the activities you HAVE to do to be able to do the activities you WANT to do. 

First things first, you should log the activities in your life. And those you want to do. Order your life properly to do these activities better. 

The idea is to do more with each activity as you learn more about how you work and use activities to achieve your needs.

The secret is to organise these activities properly to fit your life. 

Maximise the impact of each to get the right balance. 

Teachers share their expertise, and courses systematically guide you through specific paths.  

  • Goal setting: Set the right goals (holidays and fun things to focus on living and thriving)
  • Proper order: Order activities properly through project management skills.
  • Self-love: Realise how complicated and well-made you are by learning a bit about how you work every day.
  • Activity audit: What activities make up your life? Life is made up of activities, including walking, football, tennis, etc.
  • Education: Education then comes from courses and teachers,
  • Mould you life: and over time, you learn how to put all this together to mould the life you want

I am a lifestyle educator.

What is that? you ask

You know how everyone wants a life where each day life gets easier, with less pain, more time, working towards your dream life? I educate people on how to set their lives up for success and live the life they have dreamed of.

You make them rich? you say

Good question, no.

I make them happy and healthy, a different kind of rich. I help them love being themselves. I help them embrace who they are and the life they make for themselves.

A problem-solving mindset is a growth mindset. I cannot fix your health, only you can do that in the same way no one but me could fix my own health. What I can do is help you learn about how you work so that you can solve your problems. 

Learn the Fit2Thrive process

If you want to discover your TRUE potential but have limited time, learn the Fit2Thrive process and start your journey today.

This free introductory course explains the Fit2Thrive process and gives practical examples of how you can start your self-development today.


Life is complicated and our learning is never finished. The fun therefore is in constantly learning new ways to enjoy the journey.

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Specifically designed courses and resources that simplify your journey to a happy, healthy life.  There is so much to learn. Just pick a topic and see where it leads. What do you want to learn about?

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Specialist teachers to help guide your journey. Find the teacher for you.