If Brains are Computers, Who Designs the Software? – with Daniel Dennett A royal institution lecture

Colin Chambersbrain, DNA, evolution, genetics, memory, mind, nerves, steps, Virtual body Leave a Comment

Oh my am I loving this lecture from the royal institute and Daniel Dennett. It is bringing to life so many of the thoughts and ideas I have had over the years of learning how humans work. How the brain works is just such a fascinating topic and Daniel has taken a unique and engaging approach to presenting his ideas. …


Scientists Discover That Chromosomes Are Fluid

Colin Chambersgenetics, steps Leave a Comment

Just WOW!!! After reading this article Scientists Discover That Chromosomes Are Fluid I cannot see genes and chromosomes the same again. Through these experiments, the scientists were able to see that the range of forces exerted naturally in the nucleus – for example by enzymes replicating DNA – is sufficient to substantially alter the conformation of a chromosome. This major …

three clear beakers placed on tabletop

Gene Experiment

Colin ChambersDNA, evolution, genetics, Virtual body Leave a Comment

Here is another approach to exploring horizontal gene transfer If you have created some simple bacteria in a virtual world like Unity3d. They don’t have to be complex, just cells or even just spheres. Get them to move around a petri dish. They could have a nucleus and inside that they have genes as scripts. Each script has an effect like: glow in …

a brown ape at the zoo

Updating cells through Horizontal Gene transfer: An idea for a game

Colin Chambersbiology, DNA, ecosystems, genetics, Virtual body Leave a Comment

My interest in biology runs so deep I enjoy coming up with my own theories. If you’ve read my blog you’ll find many. Of course what is most exciting is when I find that a theory I have developed from my own experience and logic turns out to be real. The process of horizontal gene transfer is just that and is becoming more …

shallow focus of sprout

On the origin of life: An energy cycle

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, compete, competing, competition, DNA, ecosystems, evolution, genetics, metabolism, pressure, steps, Wildlife Leave a Comment

I’ve had this idea floating in my head for weeks now. So I’m finally getting round to putting down into words. I’m excited to finally express it but I hope I do it justice. Here goes. We’re all aware of the theory of evolution. It makes perfect sense to me how pressure for resources has lead to so much diversity in …

person holding a stress ball

Mitochondrial Ageing

Colin Chambersactivity, ageing, alzheimers, biology, cells, change, general health, genetics, metabolism, recover, steps Leave a Comment

I’m passing this link on because it gives an explanation for the effects of ageing down to the mitochondrial and dna level. It’s a positive message that explains my faith that as I age I can keep my vitality. The findings need to be confirmed but they fit wider research. Just wanted to provide a reference so I don’t forget …

Instincts: Could they be memories or actions passed down

Colin Chambersbiology, DNA, evolution, genetics Leave a Comment

I have been carrying in my head for a while this possible explanation for instincts and how they’re passed on. Thought I’d better note it down. The premise being that DNA is a code much like computer code and so the principles used in passing information between computers may be relevant. The idea revolves around the concept of serializing information which …

elderly woman wearing traditional clothes

Why do we age? genetics v lifestyle

Colin Chambersageing, biology, competing, genetics, lifestyle, pressure, recover, training Leave a Comment

Not sure if I’ve made this point clear before so here goes. As I see things there’s a strong possibility that aging and its symptoms could be largely related to levels of activity and the balance it has with nutrition and recovery. The link I see is that old age is linked with both reduced activity and reduced levels of human growth hormone (HGH). HGH encourages …

TED Talks Dr. Dean Ornish: Your genes are not your fate

Colin Chamberscells, competing, Follow your dreams, genetics, Life advice, lifestyle Leave a Comment

This talk is a god send for me because it links genetics, what we’re born with, to lifestyle, what we do with what we’ve got, and makes some positive points. I like to push the idea of having fun while being healthy. The idea that we all enjoying doing healthy things we just don’t all know what healthy things we …

using identical twins in scientific research. Does it prove anything?

Colin Chambersbiology, genetics, science, truth Leave a Comment

I’ve always had an issue with the concept of using identical twins separated at birth as evidence to support any idea that genes determine our personalities. I couldn’t lay my finger on it exactly but just because a bunch of people with identical, or very similar genes seem to end up being similar in some ways. It’s assumed that must …

Twins in different clothes

How alike are we all? One persons health advice is anothers warning

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, evolution, general health, genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, Psychology, relationships, Well being Leave a Comment

Sometimes I think we forget that the human gene pool is pretty diverse. Until relatively recently we have survived in many different extremes, desserts, ice belts, tropics, temperate climates. Places where food is scarce, places it’s everywhere. Thus our gene pool should contain abilities to survive on many different diets. In fact I think it’s more likely that many different …

close up photo of survey spreadsheet

Health Science: finding facts from correlations

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, cholesterol, competing, ecosystems, Education, general health, genetics, Health Marketing, Learning, Physical Education, steps, Strategy, Well being 1 Comment

One thing that does really bug me when science, particularly health science, is reported in the press is that correlations are so often consider evidence of fact. I just read an article titled ‘Vitamins in foods may protect brain‘. Now I do accept the concept that vitamins are likely to help with brain function but I’ object to the way …

close up photo of matrix background

DNA as software: DNA is binary just like the base language in computers

Colin Chambersbiology, DNA, evolution, genetics, steps, Virtual body Leave a Comment

Ok, heres’s another thing that amazed me when I found it out. I probably learnt it years agon cos I just checked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA and found it called complementary base pairing which rings a bell to me. Going back over it I see that it’s effectively a binary code. Just like the code that runs in computers. What’s the point then. Well it’s …