man and woman dancing

How exercise improves Heart Disease risk

adminactivity, CHD, vascular diseases Leave a Comment

The article challenges the standard explanation that high cholesterol levels are the main cause of heart disease. The author discusses alternative theories involving factors such as stress, inefficient healing and lack of rest, notably deep sleep as potential contributors. The author concludes that heart disease likely has multiple causes. Furthermore, cholesterol should be considered as a part of the body’s healing process rather than being the main cause of heart diseases. Overall, the author encourages a healthier lifestyle to prevent heart diseases.

Group A Streptococcus (GAS), Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, which were atop the surface of a human white blood cell (WBC), known as a neutrophil. Original image sourced from US Government department: Public Health Image Library, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Under US law this image is copyright free, please credit the government department whenever you can”.

How white blood cells are transported could explain heart disease

Colin Chamberscancer, CHD, vascular diseases Leave a Comment

The article Nanoparticles cause cancer cells to die and stop spreading is a fascinating explanation of a very exciting discovery but I got even more out of it. I love it when I take something from an article that wasn’t quite what it intended. What I found was a key insight into circulatory function and how red and white blood cells differ in …

men s blue and white crew neck shirt

Exercise alters metabolism in minutes

Colin Chambersactivity, cells, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolism, movement, obesity, pre-diabetes, training, Uncategorized, vascular diseases, weight loss Leave a Comment

Exercise has an impact on your health within minutes. That is the insight I take from a New York Times piece explaining how exercise changes fat and muscle cells.It is in interesting piece exploring the extra detail we are now gaining about just how exercise affects muscle and fat cells. Of course that mostly means extra detail about something we …

apricot fruits on bowl

Calorie and nutrient intake over time

Colin Chambersactivity, balance, cells, diabetes, general health, Health Marketing, key posts, lifestyle, metabolism, nutrition, obesity, Physical Education, pre-diabetes, steps, vascular diseases, weight loss, Well being Leave a Comment

I’ve noticed for many years that physical activity is a great way to maintain or lose weight because by being active you get to add to your life. It’s a positive thing. Many people instantly tell me they don’t like being active but I quickly and consistently find things they like doing that are active that they didn’t realise could …

grilled meat on charcoal grill

Saturated fat: Why all the fuss?

Colin Chambersbiology, cells, CHD, cholesterol, Food, general health, Health Marketing, high blood pressure, nutrition, obesity, science, vascular diseases, weight loss, Well being Leave a Comment

I’m just finishing a text book I forgot to finish a year or so back and got to the chapter on heart disease. It reminded me why I get a little frustrated with current nutritional and health advice and why I think the public gets so confused and follows so many fashions. In my view it’s because so much of …

pair of fresh yummy croissants on black glass surface

The French Paradox: Having your cake and eating it

Colin Chamberscells, cholesterol, diabetes, Food, general health, Health Marketing, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, lifestyle, nutrition, obesity, pre-diabetes, vascular diseases, weight loss, Well being Leave a Comment

I mentioned to a friend recently about the French paradox. That is the idea that some things the French do go counter to current wisdom in health education yet they still have fantastic results in many of the health statistics that we compare nations by. In the same search I found that in some quarters the ‘French Paradox’ doesn’t hold up, …