Nick Lane: Bio Chemistry
Nick Lane is a biochemist researching the chemical processes fundamental to life. He is currently Professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry in the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at University College London.
Learn how energy flow has shaped evolution
Professor Lane teaches us how the course of life has evolved through its quest for ever more energy. As life discovered new and more powerful ways to generate and consume energy, it then continued the cycle by learning how to build biological tools to get even more energy.
Nick enjoys exploring this never-ending pursuit for energy, understanding where it has lead biology and why.
Research/Areas of Interest
Prof Lane is a Biochemist. HIs research is on the way that energy flow has shaped evolution over 4 billion years, using a mixture of theoretical and experimental work to address the origin of life, the evolution of complex cells and downright peculiar behaviour such as sex. His work includes:
- Mitochondrial research
- Evolutionary biochemistry
- Molecular life sciences
- Palaeontology
Educated at Imperial College, London, he earned his PhD at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School in 1995
PhD, Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States, 1996
Example presentations
The best way to learn about Nick and his work is to listen to him explain it. I am always captivated when listening to one of Nicks talks so I am certain you will be too. So here are a couple of the interviews he has been part of to give you an idea of why you need to learn about NIck’s work.
Electrical origins of life
From the Dan Brown of Bio Chemistry Nick explains the fundamental need for electricity for life and how it shapes all the life that we know of.
Life Is About ENERGY
This next talk carries on sharing Nicks amazing insights.
As an expert in Bio chemistry NIck has written several books explaining the evolution of life over time through the perspective of energy. This talk explores this knowledge beautifully.
The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death
This talk by Nick lane explains the insights behind his fifth book, Transformer, where he asks the fundamental question of modern biology: “What is it that animates cells and sets them apart from non-living matter?”
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