The royal society
The Royal Society has taught me so much over the years that I have to include them as teachers.
From Amazing Talks by Nick Lane and others, I have gained an incredible insight into how the world and universe work, yet these are generally very accessible and fun talks aimed at the general public and free too.
I won’t include all the talks I have watched, just some to demonstrate the quality and variety of what they offer.
Why is life the way it is? Dr Nick Lane
Life begins at 40: the biological and cultural roots of the midlife crisis (Professor Mark Jackson)
on YouTube We do not begin to live until we begin to die. Mrs Theodore Parsons 1917 Profound words from this talk could be the lecture image or a seaparate post At 31 mins of. Video she was stating that a woman’s life. Begins at 40 after her child rearing responsibilities
Jim Al-Khalili and Adam Rutherford: what is quantum biology?
Professor Jim Al-Khalili speaks to geneticist, author, and BBC presenter Dr Adam Rutherford, about his work into the origins of quantum biology as a 21st century science and his ground-breaking work across science and science communication.
For more ideas and inspiration, The ~Royal society social links are: