Being more active improves your ability to prevent damage and recover
When reviewing all I’ve learned about the benefits of exercise, I feel that the most important benefit is the ability to recover from any risk you take or damage or injury you incur.
It is becoming increasingly clear that all fuels humans use for energy, including Fat, sugar, and protein, are dangerous when not controlled properly. This is not surprising when you consider that all fuels we use outside the body, like wood, oil, and gas, are also dangerous when not used and stored properly.
Many other chemicals used by the body are also dangerous when not stored properly. Salt is an obvious example because one researcher, Marc Peletier, specifically attributes salt regulation to heart disease.
The good news is that exercise is nature’s way of regulating all these dangerous chemicals. The bad news is that not all the research is conclusive yet, so let me give you a quick rundown of what I have found.
AKA Carbohydrate. Your exercise performance depends greatly on your ability to use sugar so exercise improves your ability to control and use it. Exercise targets the Glucose transporters, specifically type 4, which are regulated by insulin, which ensures the body can regulate sugar properly
Fat is, of course, the fuel you want to use the most yet most people don’t know that your ability to burn fat depends on your ability to mobilise it but also your ability to use carbohydrate. The saying goes that “You can only burn fat in a carbohydrate flame” so of course exercise improves sugar and fat mobilisation and use. Insulin also controls fat release but the mechanism is yet to be fully understood. New evidence is coming to light, but whether that includes insulin response, we will find out.
Protein is half sugar and half amine. The amine part is toxic in large quantities, so just like sugar, it needs tight regulation. Exercise requires protein partly for fuel but mainly for building and repair work. What exercise does is push the body to become more able to handle the forces applied to it. Therefore, it becomes less likely to break under strain. At the same time, it creates a strong need to use protein, and thus, the systems to regulate protein become efficient and tightly regulated.
Salt and salts are actually crucial to the body because they have very useful chemical properties. Two very important functions are to help draw water in and out of the body as required, making it easier to regulate water and keep the whole body healthy. The other is to supply the calcium and sodium required by nerves in saltatory conduction. Your entire nervous system, including your brain, spine and motor circuits, require specific amounts of calcium to repeatedly send messages around the body
The biggest improvement your body makes when you exercise is in water regulation. Every system in the body works better when water is controlled properly. Extensive research shows that carbohydrates and fats fail to be digested or used properly if the water around them is not correct, which is the basis of the sports drinks industry.
Exercise puts the greatest strain possible on the body’s ability to supply, transport and regulate water, so it is no surprise that it forces the body to keep the required systems up to date.
Exercise creates demand
As you can see from this analysis, exercise puts a great and regular demand on the whole body. This act forces the body to bring itself up to standard and reminds the body how it is supposed to work and must prepare for the coming challenges.
The challenge of exercise no longer exists in modern sedentary life, and we haven’t yet evolved to handle this. So, without the regular challenge of movement, the body and its systems fall into disrepair.
This is why obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases of Western life are all being recognised as the result of the body not working as it normally would and why those who are regularly active suffer much less from these diseases if they suffer at all.
From this angle, you see from my list that several key aspects of the body are kept functioning by activity, from the ability to use fuel to the ability to supply water. At the same time, the improvements made to bodily systems to make this happen reduce the damage caused when these systems are not maintained.
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