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I want to be a Helicopter pilot!!!

The day we spent at Duxford Air show was so special I had to break it down into several posts and this on is dedicated to helicopters and any budding helicopter pilots young or old.

The idea is always that you will do anything for the thing you love and it never feels hard. The kinds of movement I got in included

  • walking miles
  • standing for ages
  • bunch of different core movements from
    • squats, with a heavy rucksack or with my little one on my back
    • pulls
    • lunges

I was happy to do all that was necessary to experience this day to the full because it was a special memory, which is different to popping down the gym, this was an experience that I still remember with a smile and I got to share it with my family..

We saw a Sea King!!!

We not only saw a Sea King helicopter, we saw it fly and demonstrate an air sea rescue!!!

The control these machines have in the air is just fantastic and seeing a demonstration was fascinating.

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Two Apaches

My absolute favourite helicopter and I got to see two, though the pic of two wasn’t that great so i just used individual pictures. To be up close and personal to these legends was amazing.

2015-05-23 14.34.55

2015-05-23 14.34.29-2

 And a Gazelle!!!

This is not a chopper I know that much about except that it’s used by the British army

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2015-05-23 13.19.06

So much fun!!!

This day was before I got my fitbit so I can’t tell you the stats but it took 10 minutes to walk from one end of the airfield to the other and I did plenty of walking in between.

Instead of being stuck in a gym, or struggling to fit some movement in I

  • got outside
  • lived a dream
  • and spent time with people I love.

It wasn’t hard and I can’t wait to do it again 🙂




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  1. What an amazing day and have to agree with you on the Apache helicopters! It was after watching the great film ‘Wings of the Apache’ when I was a bairn, that I decided I wanted to be a pilot. Steps taken but alas, life got in the way!
    A much more fun way to pack in the exercise than spend time at the gym – we take everything that we do for granted so never actually consider the fitness benefits from what we do! Fab post and love the images!
    Thank you for linking up with #WeightLossWednesday! Sim x

    1. Thanks sim. How cool that you took steps to be a pilot. I flew flight sims but thought my eyes would prevent it. It’s only now that I have learnt I could have qualified if I went to the right place. So I’m now back on that path.

      We don’t appreciate the value of our day to day activities at all which is what I noticed throughout my training. Fix that and many of our problems will resolve themselves.

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