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Can both of you have fun when your little one is ill?

Brekkie on the go!!!
Brekkie on the go!!!

You can’t always make it fun when your little one is ill but it is always nice to have as many ideas as possible. On Monday mini dude was at home unexpectedly and you know how trying it can be because ill toddlers are generally little grumpaloes!!! Grumpy toddlers are traditionally accompanied by grumpy parents, so it is imperative to find a happy place and make the most of it. Here is the story of my attempt to enjoy the day with my little one when he was recently off sick from nursery.

First of all I focused on getting myself in the right mindset, we all know that most things go wrong if you try too hard. So I told myself we would spend the day relaxing while just letting my little one be.


Of course the first trick is to do something different and let them make a few choices, So, since we started the day by dropping mummy off at work, I took the opportunity to treat us both to breakfast. He had his brekkie with a milkshake while I had a large indulgent coffee. He got to choose where we sat and chose very well. The comfy chairs next to the big window with a view across the green. I couldn’t have picked better myself.

That was a nice hour just hanging out, I like to remind myself how little stimulation he actually needs. The message us parents get always seems to be that we must fill every waking moment of our childs lives with stimulation. I like him to learn to just be, enjoy watching the world go by and find some peace and I consider it a form of self soothing. He was fascinated just to be in a new place drinking a milkshake with a jumbo straw. No fuss at all (none more than the average toddler that is :-)).

By the end he was asking to go home, which was the first indication he’s not quite himself. He is not particularly ill, more under the weather.

Home help

At home he watched TV while I sorted some of the house out for while. I’ve got him used to it so that every so often he just comes to watch me or I pop in on him but he knows I’m around. It is such a useful time to get things done freeing up time for later.

What is extra special is when he comes looking for me and wants to help. He wanted to help empty the dishwasher so I started pointing out all the safe things he could get out. Being a toddler putting them away was not top of his priority as you can see from the photo!!!

Unloading the dishwasher
Unloading the dishwasher

Watering the garden

After lunch we played in the garden, watering plants, He loves me showing him all the insects and slugs and things and I also showed him the trees we planted previously. Then I left him to water the patio!!! I know…I know.., it’s his thing, give him a watering can and he just pours it on the floor and laughs. So I gave him a bucket and let him have his fun filling his little watering can and pouring it to his hearts delight. Meaning I could read a magazine sitting on the patio enjoying the late October sun in the middle of the day. It genuinely felt like a day off!!!

Muddy Puddles
Muddy Puddles

Plane spotting

Then the little man got cold because he had drenched himself (he has yet to water the plants without getting drenched :-)). The day was warm so I just put a sweater on him and he came and sat on my lap in the garden. We spent the next hour plane spotting, our favourite pass time, watching the perfect blue sky with beautiful clouds as plane after plane went by.

plane spotting!!!
plane spotting!!!

Then we went inside because he got cold and we hung out watching TV.

In all it was a really nice day. Playing in the garden was the highlight for me. I just thought I’d share in the hope it gives you ideas and inspiration because I know how hard it can be when your little one is ill. At times I’ve really struggled for ideas and today just really worked. Part of it was luck with the weather but I’ve also done a lot with the garden this year to make it possible.

I would love to know what things you do when you have to keep your little one entertained when they are ill? do you have any tricks or tips. Anything I could try? You always need to keep looking for new ideas don’t you 🙂


If you want to find out how to get fit by doing the things you love like I do then checkout parent workouts

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