1 mile a day burns how much fat in a year?
If you’re like me, you like to know basic statistics that help you understand the bigger picture. Many cultures emphasize big, fast results, but the feedback from research and from successful lifestyles that manage weight well is that small and slow results are better than big and fast.
So, I thought I would record this stat and how I worked it out because it gives a simple insight into the bigger picture of longer-term weight management and the benefits of physical activity to our daily lives.
I was told once that if you want a simple measure of how many calories you’ve burned, then one rule is that for every mile you cover, you burn 100 calories. This isn’t exactly true because if you check the stats on this, it is more like 100 calories, +10% or -10%, depending on various factors, but it is a stat you can use to make general assumptions. Unless you want to be exact, therefore, you can say that no matter whether you run, jog or walk the mile, you will burn about 100 kcals because that’s the energy needed for a human to move across the ground over 1 mile.
Let’s work it out
So, given this assumption, you can say 100 kcals x 365 days = 36,500 kcals.
That is a lot of calories, and you’ve only walked one mile a day, which is not exactly difficult. So how much fat is actually in 36,500 kcals?
- First, you must know how many calories there are in 1kg of Fat. The answer is approximately 9,000 kcals because 1g of fat contains 9 kcals. Multiply this by 1,000 to get your answer.
- So how many kilos of fat are in 36.5000 kcals? The maths is simply 36,500 / 9,000 kcals = 4.04 kilograms.
So the answer is that you burn around 4 kilograms in fat over one year.
Now, this does not sound like a big amount, but remember that you are also not doing very much exercise to achieve this. You only walk 1 mile a day and could easily increase that.
So, how much is this amount of fat in stones? 4 kilos or 0.63 stones.
The effect of small changes
I’ve known this answer for a long time, but I just felt like recording it. It’s nice to be able to remind myself and show others. You can see clearly what happens over one year if you walk one mile less per day than you did previously. Each year that this goes on, you are likely to put on weight.
If you reverse it and walk an extra mile each day than you did the previous year and don’t change anything else, you’re likely to lose weight.
It may seem like a slow way to lose weight, but it is also a common way to gain it because it’s so simple.
The point is that big changes come from small steps; in this case, the pun is intended. The less you move the more energy you will store as fat, You do not need to move much to reverse the trend. Then you can just let time do the work for you.
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This post originally appeared on my first blog colchambers