
Hey everyone. Welcome to my new blog. It’s going to centre around my passion for understanding my body, the trillions of cells it contains, and using this knowledge to have more fun.

That’s the dream. I’ve always got a ton of things on the go all around this area. Right now I’m building a cellyoursole app where you can explore aspects of a cell and learn how individual processes in each cell can affect the health of your body.

You can see the app is very immature. It needs a lot of work, but it’s a start. I’m continually working on different aspects so it will start to take shape pretty soon.

My first task is to redesign the app. Build it  for mobile first. At the same time I hope to simplify the interface and make it more interactive, intuitive and fun. As part of this I’ve set up as an open cellyoursole challenge at p2pu. I’m hoping to delivering future tasks with different p2pu challenges.

There we are. That’s a start. I’ve got so much more to say but limited time. So I’ll let it come out over time. Thanks for visiting. If you want to get involved then get in contact or join the challenge

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