hand touching shoulder joint on white background, young woman holding shoulder joint and pain around deltoid muscle with space for text

Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Injuries by Tennis Conditioning

If you want to know how to prevent injuries to your shoulder it’s worth understanding how it works.

The Rotator Cuff is basically your shoulder joint. It’s more complicated than that but we’re talking about moving the bones around your shoulder joint using the muscles, ligaments and tendons that connect to these bones.

The talk is Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Injuries – Episode 17

Philipp Halfmann talks about rotator cuff injuries and how they can occur since many tennis players encounter shoulder problems throughout their career, sometimes so severe that they have to end their career prematurely. 

This is quite a technical talk covering the general and then specific details of injuries and their prevention to this part of the body. So a lot of the detail may go over your head. Don’t worry just give me a shout if you want an explanation or translation :-). There is generally a simple explanation to go with the complex technical explanation given.

Talking Points

The main points covered are:

  • Structural aspects of the shoulder joint
  • Common rotator cuff injuries and how they can occur
  • Sign & symptoms
  • Treatment options
  • Exercise recommendations

Thanks to Philipp Halfmann Author at www.Tennis-Conditioning-Book.com for this useful advice.

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