two boys beside adult black and white border collie

How exercise improves your health

For years we have been told that exercise is good for us. Now the evidence is becoming indisputable.  Being inactive is as bad as smoking or drinking too much alcohol. It could even be more serious than that.

Over the years I’ve found so much information that I didn’t know what to do with it. I mainly shared it through my original blog or kept it private hoping to share it when I found the right approach. For many of these articles I’ve now been waiting years which just isn’t helping anyone.

I recently realised my blogs are the perfect medium on which to share because I’m most interested in the discussions and debate around this topic. I don’t feel I have the answers, I share because I’m interested in learning and using what I learn to help me on my journey through life.

I have now started to organise all I have found, and it’s re-invigorating my dreams because the message is about living your life. The act of living itself is what we must do. Moving is living. Activity to me isn’t just physical it is mental and emotional. Thinking about things makes your brain active, and experiencing emotions involves both your brain and body.

For now, most information will be about physical activity because that is what is most available. However, I am looking for and finding interesting articles in all three areas. Over time, this and all the other posts will grow as I continue this life journey.

Study the courses

Do you know how to maximise your energy use?

Energy Matters: the secrets of fat loss

woman with white sunvisor running

How exercise combats Heart Disease, Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

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Child running around a wet play area

For now I’m creating a series of course covering the various topics related to activity and health. So far I have published:

Key articles

Activity is so useful throughout life that I’ve also compiled a list of the main articles worth reading to build your general knowledge.

Useful Reading

Here is more useful information

Overview of current research. Just a general talk about a book about the value of exercise

Talking about the value of exercise and best ways to do it.