Vision is such a complex and incredibly useful gift and we are still learning so much about how it actually works
Our knowledge of vision has progressed to the point that many are now managing to break free from their glasses and restore their natural eyesight.
I have been using EndMyopia run by Jake Steiner to re learn to see and improve my vision.
End myopia. It’s not how well you see it’s how you see well. What habits work for you?
Further references
- High-Resolution Image of the Human Retina Reveals Stunning Detail: Researchers developed a new imaging technique to visualize several dozen proteins in a thin tissue section at high resolution using fluorescence microscopy.
- Quantum Chemistry Happening Inside Your Eyes Protects Against Vision Loss Brash and his colleagues demonstrated melanin’s place in the pathway of removing dangerous compounds – but they also showed melanin used its quantum-boosted state to degrade lipofuscin
- Visualizing the Evolution of Vision and the Eye
- Why is Everyone Going Blind? The UGLY TRUTH behind the myopia epidemic in 2023
- A recent analysis from an ophthalmologist about the state of eyes in an America. The reflects that of the uk and is the first dr I have seen mention this. Though he does not seem to have an answer.
- It’s covering the latest research in a short video.
- It recommends outdoor time and food. It is unaware of Endmyopia
- What it does is show that Endmyopia can help prevent myopia in children.
- Colorlite Color blind test with support for fixes.
- Enchroma Another colourblind lens supplier.
- Why is Everyone Going Blind? The UGLY TRUTH behind the myopia epidemic (Michael Chua). An eye doctor highlighting the risks of myopia and trying to fix it. Another story of western civilisation leading to myopia
- Your Vision Can Predict Dementia 12 Years Before Diagnosis, Study Finds
- Astigmatism: The Big Guide & Summary